Gordon and Sara met in College while attending The University of Northern Colorado in 2004. Gordon was actually a Senior in High School on a recruiting trip to UNC for Football, and Sara was a Freshman. While learning the ins and outs of Greeley, Gordon was taken to a popular Club, frequented by UNC Athletes, by his recruiter. There he met Sara, an OLDER woman. Of course the attraction was instantaneously for Gordon, however Sara was already dating someone else. She didn't give him a second glance. Once Gordon started attending UNC in the Fall of 2004 his and Sara's paths would cross on a regular basis. He played Football and she played soccer naturally their paths would cross. After attending a few of the same parties and get togethers Sara and Gordon exchanged AIM information (very bold). They would talk almost everyday and formed a great friendship. At this point Gordon knew he was in love with Sara, but she didn't return the feelings. After many months (almost 2 1/2 years) of reminding her of how amazing she was and how beautiful, they hung out occasionally. During these get togethers they fought and fought and fought like brother and sister, and an old married couple. If you ask Gordon he would say: "She treated me like crap!'" But if you asked her she would say: "I treated him like crap only because he was like a brother not a boyfriend." Eventually Gordon moved out of Greeley and back to Littleton, leaving Sara in Greeley. At the time they were not talking or hanging out much so it wasn't a huge upset to either of them. Until Sara realized that this person who she knew she could call anytime who would be there for her for anything, like babysitting her cat, was no longer around. This is when Sara finally understood that she really had feelings for Gordon and missed him and his affection.
One day Sara's boss at the time was trying to set her up with a friend of hers, they met the potential guy at Bandimere Speedway (Sara's first clue this would not work out!). Knowing that Gordon lived near the speedway, She used him as an excuse to get out of this 'blind date' telling him that she had a friend that she hadn't seen in a long time. Sara had to travel about 5 mins top, but being the idiot she is she got lost, 45 mins to an hour later she finally found his house, despite the directions is Scottish Mother, with her thick accent gave her. They don't know what it was but from that point on they have been head over heals for each other, and have been together ever since.
The first 6 months of their relationship was spent apart, she still lived in Greeley and he in Littleton. They spent a lot of time getting to know each other over the phone and traveled to see each other on the weekends they were free. After Sara graduated in May of 2007 they moved in together in Littleton. They have created a life together in Littleton and are living happily ever after.